Thursday, October 9, 2014

Coloured dictionary: Entry 5 – Getting on your bek

When one gets on their bek, they have received a whipping. This is also known as “Getting on your P…This could refer to the actual physical act or the mental one. Although the phrase is the same, the reactions are very different. When one physically gets on their bek it generally involves the warning first .e.g. “Stop your kak. You gonna get on your bek!” It is important to note that hitting someone in the bek is not a prerequisite for it to be deemed as getting on your bek, any physical violence will do. I personally advocate the bek though as evidence that you moered someone is a big part of the fight in the coloured community #Wisdom. 

The response to getting on your bek is to defend yourself and in the coloured community attack is always the best defense. If you do not do so you will be labelled a bang P@#S (Scaredy cat…. Nice how that almost has a direct translation hey). There are too many ways to get on your bek mentally so for the purpose of this study I will use only one case study. Bok and Idrees are playing FIFA 14. Idrees beats Bok 4-0 while playing with Burnley against Bok who was playing with Liverpool (Sounds legit). Bok has well and truly gotten on his bek. Idrees has no choice but to mock Bok to within an inch of his life. This is known has Rying (Riding). 

The bek getting event must also be made public which will lead to those not even involved in the event also adding their comments e.g. “How kak is Bok at this game. Thee worst. Thee worsteth”. For the next week Idrees is allowed to win any argument with “How that day I moered you 4-0 with Burnley man) and Bok will know that he has been defeated. There is no proper response for the victim of this fate; he/she must just ride the storm until it passes. Getting on your bek is never pleasant but is a necessary rite of passage for all men.