Monday, June 29, 2015

Coloured Dictionary- Entry 6: Kopel and A Lyn

The origins of these words are at the very root of a coloured’s DNA. We do not like to pay full price for anything when there is an unending network of resources to circumvent paying retail prices.

A lyn would refer to the actual resource whereas kopel would be the action needed to make the lyn an effective one. One would therefore kopel via a lyn. Although Kopel can also refer to getting something for someone in any form. Kopel an entjie, kopel some condoms, etc.. Having trouble understanding white people? Ok let’s look at the following scenario.

Gamat is in dire need of a new suit as his old one has seen better days and he dare not attend the ballet looking like “a kak thing”. He employs the help of his dear friend Fiekie who knows someone ,that knows someone, whose step sister’s boyfriend works at Hugo Boss.

Fieke will now kyk a liewe (seen in entry 2) and contact all applicable parties until he has effectively acted as the third party between Gamat and the Hugo boss employee (let’s call him Omar, wink wink). Gamat now receives a suit for a fraction of the cost and Omar makes his “kroon” as well.

So who gets credit for the Kopel then you ask? Fieke does of course, we NEVER give kopel credit to brasse we don’t know.

A lyn must not be confused with having lyn. Although t Having lyn means that you are respected and have the ability to get things done. You can have lyn when it comes to “chysing kinnes” but at the same time have no lyn when it comes to kopeling. Lyn can be achieved by various methods, some nice and some not. I don’t think you ready for that yet.
he two are not necessary mutually exclusive they do not always go hand in hand.