Sunday, February 21, 2016

10 Things Michael Bhatch has said that define our Friendship

1. In a bathroom at UWC- “ You know why your pee sounds louder ? Because my dick is closer to the water.
2. Do you think MC Hammer truly believed that nobody could “touch this”? It seems like a bold statement for someone effectively wearing a parachute to make.
3. Where did Marc Morrison return from ? His entire career is built on his return but its pretty sad if you think about it because nobody gave a shit that he was gone and we were only mildly interested in his return because it had a catchy tune.
4. Flu is for rich people.
5. “This shoe is just like Stan (Stan Bailey), [while lifting the shoe between thumb and index finger]. There’s just too much going on and it looks uncomfortable.”
6. On finding out Wendy was pregnant with their first child: “ I’m going to be the boss of someone! I am literally going to say I am the boss of you, as a response to anything I can’t justify” ( Hows that working out Mikey ?)
7. “You have a nice voice. If you could just chys kinnes over the phone you’d be sorted but that face fucks everything up.”
8. While looking at my student card: “ You look like a fat Luis Figo.”
9. “Listen I’m not here to solve your problems. Save that for your court appointed attorney”
10. Michael and I check our marks for an exam. He gets 5% more than me: “ I think this means I’m 5% better than you at life. You doing ok , but I’m just thaaaat much better.”