Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Coloureds explained : Entry 1

So i've been given some good advice to move my musings on coloured slang onto a blog format. Here is the first entry:

Dala: Verb, this could make reference to a sexual act. E.g. “I dala'd that kin last week”, in the form of a question dala asks the recipient of the message whether he or she has completed a particular task. The question does have to have some schemata shared by both parties for it to be fully understood though. When asking his friend whether or
not he got the tickets for the upcoming Symphony Fiekie asked Gamat “Did to dala" as if” Did you buy the tickets”. Dala in the instance of the now popular saying " Dala what you must" speaks to a more sinister origin whereby two men who are involved in a quarrel would antagonize each other by saying the phrase meaning " Do what you have to do" to which the intended reaction would be of a violent nature. This saying has however morphed into a more humorous connotation meaning “Do what you have to; I'm just going to chill out here"

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