Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Coloured's explained, entry 2: "Kyk a lewe

This is when an individual asks another for a favour. In the scenario Fiekie is a bit strapped for cash and as a result cannot afford to buy a ticket to the ballet that he had so looked forward to attending. He then asks his mate Gamat so "Kyk a lewe" and buy him a ticket. Gamat has been put in a precarious situation as the rules of being "Brasse" clear
ly states that if said bra finds himself in a bind it is your duty as his "getuie"(to be explained in entry 3) to help him out. There is another instance whereby saying the words constitutes the entire communicative act and explanation for the statement is not necessary as both participants share schemata that allows them to understand. This is shown when Gamat asks Fiekie to kyk a lewe while Fiekie is smoking his "wit pyp" (see entry on recreational drug use), Fiekie immediately knows that this means Gamat wants a few drags.

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